Tuesday, 9 June 2015

CBSE class 12th Compartmet exam and class 10th Improvement exam date...

Central Board Of secondary education Recently announced compartment exam date for class 12th and improvement exam date for class 10th ..Both of these exams will held on 16 july

The students who have to appear for the examination will have to fill the forms on the official website cbse.nc.in. As many as 97,404 students of Class 12 would appear in the compartment exam and as many as 41,812 students of Class 10 would appear for the improvement exam(IOP) of class 10th..

The receipt for the compartment/IOP form has to be submitted by June 22. If students exceed the date, they can send the receipt of forms with a late fee of Rs 10 per day by June 30.

The students belonging to and Class 10 and Class 12 will have to pay a fee of Rs 200 for one additional/compartment subject.

The students should draw a Demand Draft of the requisite fee in favour of "Secretary CBSE" payable at the regional office concerned. Candidates are required to enter the Roll Number, School Code and Centre Number (as given on the admit card) and click on 'Proceed.'

The results for the compartment students of Class 12 will be declared on August 6 while Class 10 students giving the IOP can expect their results on August 13.

Note : Candidate can get any other information or Jobs Openings, Results, Education, News, Admissions, Date Sheet etc. directly in his/her inbox by subscribing his/her e-mail id in the form give below.


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